In some ways, arriving in the United States as a refugee is the beginning of a whole new challenge.
And when you’re doing it as an entire family, the challenge can be a harrowing one…
We want to tell you about a family near and dear to our heart: The Kembis. This beautiful family includes a father, mother, three school-age children, and an infant.
The Kembis arrived in Maine from Angola, a country in central Africa that shares a border with The Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to political unrest and danger in that area, it was no longer safe for their family to stay in Angola.
Thus began their long journey to a better life in the United States.
In the Shelter
Upon their arrival in the United States, the Kembis traveled to Maine, where they were able to begin the process of seeking asylum.
They started out in a Maine homeless shelter. Due to overflow issues throughout Maine’s homeless shelters, the Kembis were then assigned to a local hotel.
As you can imagine, raising three children — with another one on the way — in a hotel room is not ideal. While the hotel offered some amenities, such as some privacy and a small kitchenette, it was not a long-term solution. It simply did not offer the stability and feeling of home that this family needed.
Searching for an Apartment
For several months, the Kembis searched for an apartment anywhere in Southern Maine. Yet again and again, their search would end in disappointment.
Then someone put them in touch with The Good Helper Foundation.
As a foundation, we were able to help them in their search. Through a combination of our contacts and generous donations, we were able to find them an apartment and provide a short-term rent subsidy that gave them a solid foundation.
How They’re Doing Now
Currently, the Kembis are happy in their new home, with space for the children to study and play. The children are also settling into their new school, where their stable home life allows them to flourish in focus on what they’re learning.
The road to asylum and U.S. residency is still not over for the Kembis. But at least, with the help we’ve been able to provide, they have a measure of peace and security for their family.
With the problem of shelter out of the way, this family can focus on other, more pressing challenges, including finding jobs to support themselves and adapting to a new language and culture.
Make a Donation Today
Give By Check
Make checks payable to:
Good Helper Foundation
Send checks through the mail to:
Good Helper Foundation
28 State Street
Suite 2B
Gorham, ME 04038
How we use it
Donations are used to support our many programs, which include...
- Transitional shelter expenses
- Rental assistance
- Food distribution
- Case managers
- Rental application fees
Physical donations of nonperishable food, clothing, and furniture are also appreciated!

Get in Touch
28 State Street
Suite 2B
Gorham, ME 04038
Our Mission
Through advocacy, education, and financial assistance, Good Helper Foundation helps immigrants build fulfilling lives with dignity.
The Good Helper Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 88-2775541. All donations are tax-deductible.
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