Imagine trying to raise two small children in a hotel room. No space to play, no proper kitchen, limited living area… Not ideal, to say the least! Yet, this is what many of our immigrant families deal with for months at a time.
With that in mind, we’d like to share with you the experience of one immigrant family’s journey of endurance and persistence.
This family of four – Grace, Patricia, and their two small children — came to us from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fleeing from violence and unrest, this refugee couple was able to leave Congo in the hopes of creating a new life for themselves and their growing family in the United States.
But as with many new beginnings in life, this journey would not be an easy one.
From Hotel to Hotel
As part of Maine’s homeless initiatives and overflow issues, Grace and Patricia were placed in a hotel until they could find an apartment.
But it wasn’t just one hotel.
Because of various issues, this family spent several, long months moving from hotels in South Portland to Saco and Old Orchard Beach.
While this arrangement gave them a roof over their head — for which they were grateful — it was a long way from a stable and safe environment to raise their family. With no kitchen, limited privacy, and some neighbors dealing with addiction problems, the situation at these hotels created many additional challenges.
From the very beginning, both Grace and Patricia spent their days looking for another living situation. This included scouring housing and apartment ads,, meeting with landlords, and traveling to various towns and cities throughout Maine.
Months passed without success and this family was beginning to lose hope.
Until, that is, they got in touch with The Good Helper Foundation.
Finding an Apartment
The Good Helper Foundation was able to help this beautiful family search for and find an apartment that fit their needs.
But we were able to do more than just find an apartment.
Our volunteers and staff were able to negotiate with the landlord on the family’s behalf. Then, when it came time to move into their new apartment, GHF was there. We arranged for move-in transportation and provided furniture, including tables, chairs, bedframes, mattresses, and boxsprings.
After the move, GHF even helped them with opening utility accounts, including electricity, gas, and internet.
All of this made their move-in day that much more special and alleviated a lot of their stress.
Where They Are Now
We are happy to report that Grac,e Patricia, and their two small children are now settled into their new home and community — and thriving!
In Patricia’s own words, “I’m so happy that my children finally have a place to sleep. I have a kitchen to prepare meals…something that I’ve missed so much! Thank you very much Good Helper Foundation…”
Their eldest child has been enrolled in the local school, where he is learning and growing at an incredible rate.
It’s a wonderful gift to be able to help families like this one to settle in and make a home for themselves.
Would you like to have a part in helping families like this one?
Contact The Good Helper Foundation to become a volunteer, make a donation, or contribute furniture or clothing.
Make a Donation Today
Give By Check
Make checks payable to:
Good Helper Foundation
Send checks through the mail to:
Good Helper Foundation
28 State Street
Suite 2B
Gorham, ME 04038
How we use it
Donations are used to support our many programs, which include...
- Transitional shelter expenses
- Rental assistance
- Food distribution
- Case managers
- Rental application fees
Physical donations of nonperishable food, clothing, and furniture are also appreciated!

Get in Touch
28 State Street
Suite 2B
Gorham, ME 04038
Our Mission
Through advocacy, education, and financial assistance, Good Helper Foundation helps immigrants build fulfilling lives with dignity.
The Good Helper Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 88-2775541. All donations are tax-deductible.
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